Ryan Kohn, Cofounder of Proper and board member of the Hubbub foundation, rides a black Roadster RM1 around London. Using his bike to get to-and-from meetings, Ryan believes the Roadster RM1 is perfect for "scratching the bike itch" whilst being highly practical and sustainable for urban commuting.
We caught up with Ryan to discuss his journey with Roadster and the importance of purpose, people and potential when it comes to starting new businesses. Here is what he had to say:
When and how did you first become interested in motorcycles?
Both of my parents rode motorbikes, so when I was growing up it was always in the family. We would go on holidays and rent out 125ccs which was my introduction to riding. But to be honest, I had always stayed clear because I never really trusted myself on a motorbike. I felt like I would just end up driving too fast and putting myself in danger.
Roadster, for me, felt like a very comfortable progression. It's a nice way of scratching the bike itch without putting myself onto something that could potentially do some damage.
How did you first become aware of Roadster?
I heard about Roadster through a friend, called Libby, who is part of a company that invested in my previous business. She knows that I am passionate about the environment and suggested that I might like Roadster. And so I took a look and straight away thought the product was beautiful. It definitely caught my eye.
The only real question I had to consider was how much do I think I'll use it? I've always cycled a lot in London and I find that I can get around pretty easily, but I don't always fancy a cycle.
I've actually been pleasantly surprised by how much I've used my Roadster. It's been a really, really wonderful way to avoid taking the tube and it's a very easy bike to maintain which makes things even better.
On the topic, how does the Roadster RM1 fit into your daily life?
Definitely getting around to work meetings. I could have five different meetings dotted around London in a day and it's always the quickest way to get to them on time. You're never late if you've got a Roadster.
I think what's also nice is the ease in which you can charge the battery. Being able to whip it out of the compartment and then plug it in so easily and effortlessly just makes the whole thing very convenient.
What has surprised you the most about the Roadster RM1?
I think the torque has surprised me the most. I've got an electric car and it just flies away. Whereas the Roadster is a very smooth ride which, again, for someone like me, is a good thing.
It's just nice and smooth and easy.
If you were trying to convince a friend to get started with a Roadster, what would you tell them?
I already have! I told them that it's just the best way to get around London. If you live in a city, it's the perfect tool for getting from A to B quickly, for avoiding public transport and for getting past heavy traffic.
Do you think the key to encouraging better lifestyle choices, such as eating more healthily or commuting more sustainably, is to make the product as desirable as it can be?
At Proper, taste is still the number one priority. If we were to ignore it, we'd be making a huge mistake. Likewise, I imagine aesthetics are the number one reason why anyone would want to buy a car or motorbike, so to ignore that would be foolish.
If you're going to have a snack, why can't it look good, taste good and not leave you feeling guilty once you've eaten it?
Similarly with Roadster, why does electric have to mean looking bland? I remember the first electric cars almost looked like someone told the manufacturers 'you can't make your cars look cool.' I think what Maeving are doing, by making it look like a really beautiful classic, means people will want to buy one on its own merit. Regardless of whether it is electric or not.
If Roadster were a flavour of popcorn, which would it be?
The first thing that springs to mind is sweet and salty. It gives you both: it's a stunning bike but it's also electric. That was also our most popular flavour, and I think the Roadster RM1 has the potential to be a very popular bike.
What are the main factors that make a new business catch your eye?
I mean, there's a number of things but I'll try to distil it to three:
Firstly, the only businesses I get excited about are the ones that have a greater purpose; for people and planet. With the way the world is at the moment, it almost has to be the way.
Secondly, it would be the people behind the business. Do I believe in those people? Do I think they've got a great team? Do I think they will make the right decisions? Are they just good people? These are questions I always consider.
And third is the potential of the organisation. You can have a great purpose and great people behind it, but if there isn't a big category, there is no business opportunity.
I do think there is big potential for something like Roadster. It's a market that's worth billions and is within the most on-trend sector within that market at the moment: electrified vehicles.
Lastly, sum up the feeling of riding the Roadster RM1 in three words:
Epiphany of travel.